Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hidden 401K fees

Watch out for hidden fees. Most people don't do the math, and the fees are hidden.

Watch this:
"If you made a onetime investment of $10,000 at age twenty and assuming 7% annual growth rate over time, you would have
$574,464 by age 80. 
But, if you paid 2.5% in total management fees and other expenses, your account balance would be only $140,274 over the same time period." 
( Jack Bogle- Founder of the Vanguard Mutual Fund)

Stock Market.....The RIDE!!!!

Stock Market.....The RIDE!!!!
The S&P 500 has begun 2016 with its worst performance ever. This has prompted Wall Street apologists to come out in full force and try to explain why the chaos in global currencies and equities will not be a repeat of 2008. Nor do they want investors to believe this environment is commensurate with the dot-com bubble bursting. They claim the current turmoil in China is not even comparable to the 1997 Asian debt crisis. 

Indeed, the unscrupulous individuals that dominate financial institutions and governments seldom predict a down-tick on Wall Street, so don't expect them to warn of the impending global recession and market mayhem.

But a recession has occurred in the U.S. about every five years, on average, since the end of WWII; and it has been seven years since the last one — we are overdue.

Most importantly, the average market drop during the peak to trough of the last 6 recessions has been 37 percent. That would take the S&P 500 down to 1,300; if this next recession were to be just of the average variety. 

But this one will be worse.

A major contributor for this imminent recession is the fallout from a faltering Chinese economy. The megalomaniac communist government has increased debt 28 times since the year 2000. Taking that total north of 300 percent of GDP in a very short period of time for the primary purpose of building a massive unproductive fixed asset bubble that adds little to GDP.

Now that this debt bubble is unwinding, growth in China is going offline. The renminbi's falling value, cascading Shanghai equity prices (down 40 percent since June 2014) and plummeting rail freight volumes (down 10.5 percent year over year), all clearly illustrate that China is not growing at the promulgated 7 percent, but rather isn't growing at all. The problem is that China accounted for 34 percent of global growth, and the nation's multiplier effect on emerging markets takes that number to over 50 percent.

Therefore, expect more stress on multinational corporate earnings as global growth continues to slow. But the debt debacle in China is not the primary catalyst for the next recession in the United States. It is the fact that equity prices and real estate values can no longer be supported by incomes and GDP. 
And now that the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing and zero interest-rate policy have ended, these asset prices are succumbing to the gravitational forces of deflation. The median home price to income ratio is currently 4.1; whereas the average ratio is just 2.6.

I am a financial advisor BECAUSE:

I am a financial advisor BECAUSE:
Because I honor the inborn potential of everyone to be truly wealthy.
Because I desire to help the newborn, the aged and those without hope.
Because I choose to care for my clients.
Because I wish to assist rather than intrude, to free rather than control.
Because I seek to correct the cause.
Because I have been called to serve others.
Because I want to make a difference.
Because every day I get to witness miracles.
Because I know it is right!!!
Bryan Daly

A Game Changer in Personal Finance

Simplicity is Key.

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The GPS recalculates and guides you how to get back on track, correct?
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What does your profile picture say about you?

So, if your photo looks less than professional, think again about using it.
Yes, clients, prospects and for that matter, most of us tend to pick “pretty” people based on superficial traits. While things like that may be out of your control, it doesn’t mean you can’t improve your appearance. .....Well maybe a little (photoshop  lol)
Let’s focus on the things we can control.
Make sure you’re approachable

Maybe you’ve been in the business for years. Or, you’re a new agent starting out. Either way, an expression we think is “serious” someone else sees as “unwelcoming”. As you begin to network and build your business, you picture is going to be found across multiple platforms, from your website to your Facebook page.
Do you really want clients and prospects to see you frowning?
People need to see a real expression. One that says “I’m a professional” while also inviting confidence and trust. So smile. Remember, this is the picture that will be seen across the Internet.
A picture may be worth many words, but having more pictures can tell a more complete story. If permitted, add more images to your profile. An image of you, one with your family, or maybe even one with a client. People want to know who you are and adding extra photos where appropriate is a good idea.
Put yourself in focus
When selecting the photo to use for your profiles and website, consider the context of the picture. Look what’s around you and behind you. Are there other things in the picture that distract from your smile? Some things to watch out for:
The edge of another person is still visible after most of them is cropped out
Other peoples’ faces are visible in the background
There is activity, color, or visible detail behind you
Make sure the other elements in your photo don’t take the focus away from you. No matter how great your hair or smile looks in a picture, choose a different picture if you are competing with something in the background.
Spend the money on a professional photo
It’s so easy to take a selfie with your phone for your profile photo. But is that really the best you can do? Take the time to have a photographer take your photo in both business attire and in more casual clothing. Then, you can decide which is best suited to your profile.
On LinkedIn, most people still use photos in business attire..
Also, when you get a professional photo taken, the photographer will put you in the best light! AND PHOTOSHOP
That’s not to say you shouldn’t post photos you’ve taken with your smart phone. If you participate in a fundraiser or some other event that will be of interest to your audience, go ahead and post them to Facebook.
Just have a professional head shot on your profile. You can get a professional head shot and use it over and over again.  Also update it every 5 years or so.

10 examples of poor profile pictures

A great profile picture is a great way to reinforce your reputation online.
Hope you found this helpful